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Water-repelling surfaces ease ice removal

Water-repellent surfaces and coatings could make ice removal a literal breeze by forcing ice to grow up rather than just skate by. Original [...]
Many recent research studies show that the use of polymer nanocomposites in conventional construction materials leads to better concrete, asphalt, coatings, insulating materials, etc. Potential advantages of polymer nanocomposite are high specific strength and stiffness, durability, good fatigue performance, versatile fabrication, and lower maintenance costs, and these win the attention of structure and construction engineers.  Nanotechnology offers solutions by improving the insulating properties, weather protection or the materials stability. For instance, an insulating material called aerogel, composed of silica nanoparticles separated by nanopores, is mostly air, making it an excellent insulator. To solve the problem of heat loss in buildings, companies are developing windows with aerogel between the window panes. Nanopores and nanotubes are also used to improve the construction materials properties by stopping the cracks from forming or reducing tile cracking. Furthermore, antibacterial activity of nanomaterials is useful to inhibits the growth of mildew and bacteria on constructions.
The most effective nanofillers used in this sector include nanoclay, carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanosilica, and TiO2. Nanoclay, carbon nanotubes and nanosilica seem to be ahead in the use in polymer based composites under this sector.
Application Product or article Improved properties Nanomaterials
Infrastructures Construction materials
Concrete without voids
Leveling compound with nanopores and rubber granules
Fatigue performance
Versatile fabrication
Lower maintenance costs
Lower heat lost
Lower permeability
Antibacterial activity

UV protection

Carbon nanotubes
Titanium oxide
Less chance of tile cracking

That’s being said on nano & infrastructure

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